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Blog - Kitesurf sessions

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Kitesurf sessions

Last Thursday february 15th 2018 - Yoff  -  by Teresa

As Alexis mentioned, last Thursday at Yoff was exceptionally strong wind. It was only the second time in 5 years that I've flown my 7m kite in Senegal. Marianne pumped up her 10m kite, but must have decided against it. The gusts were super strong. Luc and I held on enjoyed some air time.
As Alexis mentioned, last Thursday at Yoff was exceptionally strong wind. It was only the second time in 5 years that I've flown my 7m kite in Senegal. Marianne pumped up her 10m kite, but must have decided against it. The gusts were super strong. Luc and I held on enjoyed some air time.

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Published on 20/02/2018 18:10   | All the posts | Preview   Print...   | Top


Reaction #1 

 by Bertil 25/02/2018 22:18
Oui, probablement un des jours les plus venteux vus au Sénégal ces dernières années, tous les témoignages concordent !

A La Somone, un ami voileux a mesuré 43 noeuds !


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