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Nouvelles des anciens

Teresa en Zambie - octobre 2018  -  par Bertil

On a eu une fin de semaine vraiment calme, heureusement quelques vagues pour surfer, et heureusement un sursaut de vent très léger dimanche entre 16h et 18h pour une petite session kitefoil... Sébastien a fait ses premiers essais assez réussis e

Du coup je profite de la place libre pour vous transmettre des nouvelles de Teresa qui nous a quitté en juillet 2018 et qui vient d"arriver en Zambie :

Citation : Teresa_from_Zambia

Nice to hear from you, and I see on Whatsapp and Dakite blog that you are having a nice Fall season of wind! It's really great to see the photos you post. Needless to say, I really miss you guys and kite surfing! This time of year in Dakar, I was even swimming 3 days a week after school in Mermoz Bay, so I really miss living by the sea.
I taught the first 3 weeks of school because the design teacher was sick. After that I travelled to Dar es Salaam to kite. May-September is the windy season and the best option for me because the flight is direct and relatively cheap ($300 round trip) and I found an Airbnb apartment 500 meters from the kite surf beach for $16 a night. I had wind 10 out of 11 days and very pleasant conditions. I've attached a photo of the kite beach just north of Dar, you can see the clouds above Zanzibar where the local kiters say the wind comes less frequently than in Dar.
Here in Zambia, the lakes and rivers look pleasant, but I've seen far too many crocodiles and hippos to take any chances! 😞 Steve is reassembling our motorcycles in the back yard. He took them completely apart to hide them in our shipment.
Big hello to all the kite surfers and Isabella!
All the best,

On a eu une fin de semaine vraiment calme, heureusement quelques vagues pour surfer, et heureusement un sursaut de vent très léger dimanche entre 16h et 18h pour une petite session kitefoil... Sébastien a fait ses premiers essais assez réussis e

Du coup je profite de la place libre pour vous transmettre des nouvelles de Teresa qui nous a quitté en juillet 2018 et qui vient d"arriver en Zambie :

Citation : Teresa_from_Zambia

Nice to hear from you, and I see on Whatsapp and Dakite blog that you are having a nice Fall season of wind! It's really great to see the photos you post. Needless to say, I really miss you guys and kite surfing! This time of year in Dakar, I was even swimming 3 days a week after school in Mermoz Bay, so I really miss living by the sea.
I taught the first 3 weeks of school because the design teacher was sick. After that I travelled to Dar es Salaam to kite. May-September is the windy season and the best option for me because the flight is direct and relatively cheap ($300 round trip) and I found an Airbnb apartment 500 meters from the kite surf beach for $16 a night. I had wind 10 out of 11 days and very pleasant conditions. I've attached a photo of the kite beach just north of Dar, you can see the clouds above Zanzibar where the local kiters say the wind comes less frequently than in Dar.
Here in Zambia, the lakes and rivers look pleasant, but I've seen far too many crocodiles and hippos to take any chances! 😞 Steve is reassembling our motorcycles in the back yard. He took them completely apart to hide them in our shipment.
Big hello to all the kite surfers and Isabella!
All the best,

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Publié le 21/10/2018 23:18   | Tous les billets | Prévisualiser...   Imprimer...   | Haut


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